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You can register for free on our carvelo mobile app:

How does carvelo work?

You want to get to your destination quickly, cheaply and in an environmentally friendly manner and need an electric cargo bike or “Carvelo” to do it?
Use our mobile app or this website to see the available cargo bikes in your area.

Frequently asked questions


How can I become a user?

Once you have registered via our app (for free), you can use the carvelo services with your personal login.

Is registration obligatory?

Yes, your user profile allows you to manage your personal data and to get an overview of your rents. You cannot book a Carvelo without signing in. It is compulsory to provide your complete and correct details, including a mobile telephone number.

Why do I have to provide my age? From what age can I use carvelo?

The minimum age for using the service is 16 years in accordance to the swiss law. Carvelos are intended for adult riders and are not suitable for children.

I have forgotten my username / password. What should I do?

Click on “Forgot my password” on the login screen of your app. You will be sent an e-mail.

How can I change my personal data?

Open your carvelo app and go to your profile. Here you can change your personal data. Thank you for updating your data if you are moving.

How does carvelo work for businesses?

It is possible to set up a company account as an organization, association or business. All assigned employees can use this account to book a Carvelo independently, while the billing is done centrally via the company account. You can create your company account here.

Payment, subscription and prices

What payment options do I have?

The rental amount is displayed when you make your reservation. It will be reserved but only debited from the means of payment stored in your profile at the end of the rental period. Credit cards (VISA, Mastercard), Postfinance cards, TWINT as Reka are accepted as means of payment. Payment by invoice is not possible for private costumers. For credit cards the activation of 3-D Secure (two-step-authentification) is mandatory due to the provisions of our payment provider Datatrans. 3-D Secure usually can be activated on your eBanking system and it increases your data security.

How are the costs for a rental calculated?

The Carvelo can be reserved by the hour. Any hour started will be charged in full. You can find the rates here.

How does the carvelo half-price subscription work?

With the carvelo subscription you pay only half price for each carvelo booking (not applicable for smargo). The subscription costs CHF 90.- per year and is therefore worthwhile from 5 daily or 3 weekend uses. You can purchase the subscription after registering via your user profile. Please note that different subscriptions (e.g. the carvelo half-price subscription and the “Kulturlegi” subscription cannot be cumulated.

As a TCS member, I benefit from a 50% discount on the rental fee. Where can I find my TCS number?

Your TCS number is the nine-digit number on your membership card (bottom left). The TCS number is personal to you and cannot be transferred to others.

My TCS number is not recognized. What can I do?

First of all, please check carefully whether your name in you carvelo account matches the member name on your TCS membership card. The system distinguishes between upper and lower case letters. If the number is still not recognized, contact the carvelo hotline at 058 827 34 14.

Can I transfer my TCS membership number?

No, your membership is only valid for you personally and cannot be transferred. In case of misuse, carvelo reserves the right to charge a penalty and to exclude you from the platform.

Is there a TCS discount for people living in the same household?

Yes, with the TCS Family membership, every family member registered in the membership can create a carvelo login with his/her personal membership card (and membership number) and benefit from the discount.

Do all TCS memberships apply?

Yes. But remember that your TCS membership is personal and non-transferable. If you use TCS products without being a member, the carvelo discount ist not included.

Is the carvelo subscription also valid for the rental prices of smargo?

No, the discount of 50% is only applicable on carvelo rents.

How can I activate a subscription with a code?

In the app menu you will find the section “My account” and then “Subscriptions”. Now you will see all the subscriptions that have already been activated and at the bottom you will find the option “Activate subscription with code”.


Under which conditions am I insured as a user?

By registering with carvelo, you confirm that you have personal liability insurance.
In case of damage or theft during your rental period, your deductible amounts to a maximum of CHF 1’500.- for Carvelos and of CHF 1’000.- for Smargos (electric mini-vans).
If you want to reduce your deductible to zero in case of damage, you can purchase the carvelo or smargo insurance. In your profile you have the possibility to activate the insurance for all your rentals. However, the insurance can also be selected or deselected for each individual booking.
Please also consult the General Insurance Provisions.

My Carvelo or Smargo has been stolen/lost during a rent. What should I do?

Report the theft immediately to the hotline on 058 827 34 14 for further instructions. Your deductible in the event of loss is CHF 1,500 for Carvelos and of CHF 1’000 for Smargos (electric vans). You can purchase the insurance with each booking to reduce the deductible to zero. You can find the prices for the insurance on the page Tariffs. Please also consult the General Insurance Provisions.

Can I travel abroad with the Carvelo or the Smargo?

Trips abroad are allowed. However, please note that the carvelo and smargo insurances do not cover your trip anymore. They are only valid in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Special insurances such as the “Euroschutzbrief” must be taken care of by yourself.


What is maximum rental duration?

The Carvelo can normally be rented from one hour to a maximum of one week at a time. Would you like to rent the Carvelo for a longer period? This is possible for up to one month at certain locations, and you will automatically benefit from a long-term discount. You can find more information here.

How far in advance of a scheduled ride do I need to make a reservation?

Reservations are possible around the clock until shortly before the desired use.

Can I change my booking?

It is possible to shorten the booking at any time. An extension is possible if there is no further booking afterwards. You can make the change in the booking overview in the app. Just click on the time-picker and choose the new end time of your booking. The new price for your changed booking will be displayed. Confirm by clicking on “Book for CHF xxx”.

Can I cancel my booking?

Cancellation a booking is free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental period. If less than 24 hours remain until the start, the cancellation costs CHF 5.-. If the rental has already started, it can no longer be cancelled, but it can still be shortened.

I am planning a longer trip over the weekend. How do I charge the battery?

If you are planning a longer trip, you may ask the host for the charging cable to be able to recharge your battery during a break. You’ll need around 1.5 hours for a 50% charge and 4 hours for a full charge. Please remember to return the charging cable to the host along with the key and battery when you return.

Automated pick-up: What is a Carvelobox?

At some locations (labeled with “Carvelobox”), self-service booking is possible via a wall locker. The Carveloboxes can be opened directly via the app or an access code (depending on locations). Inside the boxes you will find the key and battery of the bike as well as the charging cable.

What do I have to consider when transporting children?

Our standard Carvelos (“Transporter 65” and “Packster 60”) allow you to transport two children. We recommend transporting children from the age of 18 months or when the child can sit independently. Please note that there is no baby seat available, nor is there a rain cover. There is no possibility of installing a baby seat either.

The bicycles are equipped with 5-point safety belts that need to be adjusted according to the child’s size. If you notice a defect or are unsure, please contact us.

Children must be equipped with a helmet of appropriate size, and we also recommend that you wear one.

Can my pet accompany me on a Carvelo ride ?

According to road traffic law in Switzerland, the transport of animals is not forbidden. However, as the owner, the behavior of your animal is your responsibility, and you are liable for any damage. Therefore we strongly recommend the use of an animal-friendly transport container, also for hygienic reasons.

Is it compulsory to wear a bicycle helmet?

In Switzerland, wearing a bike helmet is not obligatory for slow e-Bikes (with electric pedal assistance up to 25km/h), but we highly recommend you wear one. A helmet can save your life if an accident happens.

Pick up

What should I pay attention to before the ride?

For your own safety, please pay attention to the following points:
1. Check the Carvelo for any damage before you start the ride.
2. Check the charge level of the battery.
3. Make all necessary adjustments to the Carvelo before you start riding: Adjust the saddle and the height of the handlebar to your needs, fasten the children’s seat belts, wear a bike helmet, etc.
4. Pay full attention to the traffic especially when getting on the road.
5. Please note: Always remove the key from the lock once the bike lock has been opened and keep it with you during the journey. On rare models, the key remains in the lock after opening. In all cases, never force the key, and ask us if you have any doubts. If you loose or break the keym, we will charge you CHF 30.-. 

What do I have to consider when transporting children?

Our standard Carvelos (“Transporter 65” and “Packster 60”) allow you to transport two children. We recommend transporting children from the age of 18 months or when the child can sit independently. Please note that there is no baby seat available, nor is there a rain cover. There is no possibility of installing a baby seat either.

The bicycles are equipped with 5-point safety belts that need to be adjusted according to the child’s size. If you notice a defect or are unsure, please contact us.

Children must be equipped with a helmet of appropriate size, and we also recommend that you wear one.

What equipment is provided by carvelo?

When you arrive at the host station or the Carvelobox, you will be provided with the key, battery, seat cushion for kids (upon model), and possibly battery charger if needed. Users are responsible for providing any other supplementary accessories (e.g. rain cover for children, bicycle helmet), if required. carvelo declines any liability in case of accidents (see also GTC).

The booked Carvelo is not on site or not available. What now?

Please book another available Carvelo in your area and let us know which Carvelo is not available and which one you booked as a replacement. We will contact you and the host afterwards and cancel your first booking for free.

The location of the booked Carvelo is closed. What to do now?

Please book an available Carvelo in your area and tell us which host was closed and which Carvelo you switched to. We will contact you and cancel the invalid booking.

I discover a damage before the departure. What do I have to do?

You are obliged to report this to the host or the carvelo hotline immediately. We will decide together if the bike can be ridden or not and provide you with an alternative bike if necessary.


How do I recharge the battery?

If you have a longer trip or rental planned, you are welcome to ask the host for the charger. This way you can recharge your battery on the road (e.g. during the night). Please remember to return it to the host together with the key and battery.

During your trip

I have a problem with my Carvelo or Smargo and the hotline is not available. How do I proceed?

We are sorry that you’re facing a difficult situation!
If you are near the host, please bring the Carvelo back. Then book another available Carvelo nearby. If you cannot return the Carvelo, please inform the host, lock the bike, and return key and battery to the host. Then please book another Carvelo in your area and inform us about the whole situation. We will contact you afterwards and take care of your bookings and the repair.
Are you a TCS member? Then you may call TCS directly in the event of a breakdown (0800 140 140) and you will be able to count on the comprehensive services of TCS roadside assistance.
Not a TCS member? Become one here.

I would like to change or cancel a reservation. How do I proceed?

Currently, reservations can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental period. After that a cancellation fee of CHF 5 will be charged. When your booking has already started, you cannot cancel it anymore, but shortenings and extensions are possible as long as the bike is still available (in case of extensions).

Can the Carvelo be transported in trains?

In principle, cargo bikes and other bicycles longer than two meters can only be transported on SBB trains in categories RE, S and R. This means that bicycles over 2 meters long cannot be loaded on SBB long-distance trains. Consult the SBB or transport company website for more information.

I cannot return the Carvelo or Smargo on time. What should I do?

First of all: Please always plan enough reserve time. We depend on the Carvelo being returned on time.
However, if it should happen that you can foresee that you will not be back in time: Please extend your reservation if possible. If not, please contact the hotline or the host immediately.
In case of late return, a fine of CHF 10 per hour will be charged.

I had an accident/bike breakdown. How do I have to proceed?

In case of an accident with the Carvelo or Smargo you are obliged to call the hotline on 058 827 34 14 as soon as possible. See also GTC point 6.
Are you a TCS member? Then you may call TCS directly in the event of a breakdown (0800 140 140) and you will be able to count on the comprehensive services of TCS roadside assistance.

The battery of my Carvelo is empty. How do I proceed?

Please return the Carvelo to the host location if possible. If this is not possible, please call the hotline at 058 827 34 14 to find out how to proceed. If the battery is not (fully) charged at the beginning, you may also borrow the charger from the host.

I have lost the key of the Carvelo. How do I proceed?

If possible, return the Carvelo to the host location and report the incident to us. For a new key we will charge you a fee of CHF 30.-.

Return the Carvelo

Can I return my Carvelo to another location?

No. The Carvelo must always be returned to the location where it was rented.

What should I do when I return the Carvelo to the location?

Park the Carvelo in the designated parking area, lock it and return the key and battery to your host. If you took the battery charging cable with you, please bring it back to the host as well. If you had any problems with the bike, you can inform the host or send us feedback via the app or e-mail.

My Carvelo has been stolen/lost. What should I do?

Report the theft immediately to the hotline at 058 827 34 14 for further instructions. We point out that the liability for the Carvelo lies basically with you. See also GTC point 6.

Do I have to clean the Carvelo myself?

Clearly visible, self-caused dirt must be removed by the user during the reserved time at his/her own expense. If this is not the case, we reserve the right to charge you for the cost of cleaning.


What is a Carvelobox?

Normally you pick up your Carvelo at a host station. The so-called Carvelobox is a wall-mounted box with a connection to the power grid in which the Carvelo key can be stored and the battery charged for the next ride. The box can be opened directly through the app.
This automated station thus allows 24/7 access to the corresponding Carvelos and no more waiting time for pickup.

How do I open the Carvelobox?

5 minutes before the start of the rental, a button with the text “Open Carvelobox” will appear in your booking overview. If you click on this button and confirm your choice afterwards, the door of the Carvelobox will open. Attention: Please do not open the door until you are standing in front of the Carvelobox.

Can I take the charger from the Carvelobox with me?

If it is a longer rental, you are welcome to take the charger with you. Please make sure to plug it back into the box and connect it to the battery at the end of the rental.

What do I have to do when I come back from my ride?

Lock the Carvelo and remove the battery from the holder. Open the Carvelobox again with the same button in the booking overview that you used for the first opening. Put the key back and connect the battery to the charger. Make sure that the indicator on the battery flashes green. Thoroughly close the door of the Carvelobox.


What vehicles are used?

Most of our Carvelos are made by the German manufacturer Riese & Müller. Our standard models include the Transporter 65 and the Packster 60.

Please note, however, that in some locations, other types of cargobikes offered by private rental companies are available and can be hired at standard rates and conditions.

Where can I find an overview of the carvelo and smargo locations in my region?

You will find a corresponding overview on our website under Fleet. However, booking is only possible via our app (Android or iOS).

Which models are suitable for families or for transporting children?

Our standard Carvelos (“Transporter 65” and “Packster 60”) allow you to transport two children. We recommend transporting children from the age of 18 months or when the child can sit independently. Please note that there is no baby seat available, nor is there a rain cover. There is no possibility of installing a baby seat either.

The bicycles are equipped with 5-point safety belts that need to be adjusted according to the child’s size. If you notice a defect or are unsure, please contact us.

Children must be equipped with a helmet of appropriate size, and we also recommend that you wear one.

Can I rent a baby seat, a rain cover or other additional equipment?

No, it is not possible to rent any additional equipment that is not mentioned on our fleet list. We would like to point out that the liability for damages caused by improper attachment of self-provided accessories lies with the user.

What do I have to consider when transporting goods?

The maximum load is 100 kg. However, according to Swiss law, the total weight of bike (50 kg) plus rider plus load must not exceed 200 kg.

Please note: the Carvelo load box and child seats cannot be removed. For any other type of use (e.g. addition of a trailer coupling), prior authorization from carvelo is required.

Further information on dimensions can be found on this page . And a short video here.

Are there Carvelos with trailer couplings?

We do not offer bikes with trailer coupling in the carvelo fleet.

Is it possible to buy used Carvelos?

Our second-hand sales are handled by Double Dutch GmbH in Winterthur. Here you can find an overview of whether second-hand bikes are currently available.

Can the Carvelos be used in winter?

Yes, our Carvelos can also be used in winter, but the tires are not equipped with spikes. Please only ride if you are used to cycling in winter weather conditions like slippery roads. Low motor assistance helps when starting on slippery ground. Please park the Carvelo in a dry place and store the battery indoors.


What is smargo?

We love our Carvelos and have used them to transport very large quantities of goods. In some situations, however, the loading area of the Carvelo is no longer sufficient. In 2021, we therefore added another vehicle to the platform – an electric mini-van. With our pilot project “smargo – Shared Micro Cargo”, electric mini-vans of the type “Goupil G4” can be rented by the hour in the cities of Basel, Bern, Lausanne and Zurich.

For which users is smargo suitable?

Actually for all! We offer private users, associations, organizations and businesses a way to handle larger transports (moving, supply, events, disposal) with a city-compatible, electric small utility vehicle.

Under what conditions can I rent a Smargo?

To use the Smargos, you need a category B driving license, which you can upload to your profile in the carvelo app. After the driving license has been checked and validated (this can take up to two working days), you can rent the Goupil G4 at one of our smargo locations.

How much does smargo cost?

Here you will find information about the pricing for both carvelo and smargo.

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Christmas break 23.12 - 2.1.2024

From 23 December 2023 to 2 January 2024, the carvelo team and many hosts will be on Christmas break. No Carvelos or Smargos can be booked during this time. From 3 January, the Carvelos and Smargos will be available again and can be booked as usual via the app.